19 Pencils ~ Free Technology for Schools


See on Scoop.itJust learning

Rachael La Rochelle‘s insight:

freetechforschools.com is one of, if not my favorite website/blog! I am a Preservice Teacher about to enter my credential program. I just started learning about education technology about 6 months ago and to say I was overwhelmed if the understatement of the year.

I graduated in 1995, high school that is, and although the internet wasn’t a completely foreign concept, it had yet to transition its way into the classrooms that I was familiar with. The only “technology” related class I knew about at my high school was typing class were 35 students shared ten word processors.

Since I never took typing in high school the extent of my computer knowledge was playing Atari when it came out. I had an enormous fear of technology and was completely intimidated by even the smallest things related to technology. My anxiety grew as e- mailing became more and more common, smartphones almost gave me a heart attack when they surfaced and soon it became apparent that knowing how to navigate the internet was no longer a choice, it was required..

.About a year and a half ago I jumped in feet first determined to conquer this fear and the craziest thing happened to me…I realized that I had finally found my first hobby at thirty five years old. Not only was I not afraid of “the big bad internet”, I was spellbound by how far technology had come since I had last given it a chance.

That is not to say I wasn’t completely overwhelmed by the endless amount of resources the web had to offer. I wish I had known about freetechforschools.com from the very beginning because it would have saved me a lot of time and frustration. If you haven’t had a chance yet, go check the site and I recommend bookmarking the page because it is one of the best EDTECH resources a teacher can have.

See on www.freetechforschools.com

50 Education Technology Tools You Can Start Using Today – Edudemic


See on Scoop.itJust learning

Finding the best education technology tools is a time-consuming task. It may even be viewed as a chore (for some). Not with this fabulous list, though!

Rachael La Rochelle‘s insight:

As most of you probably already know, there is a vast amount of resources on the internet for teachers to choose from. As a matter of fact, there is so much Education Technology out there that it is competely overwhelming for new or preservice teachers who arent that familiar with EdTech resources.. It can be especially scary for people that aren’t that familiar with the internet in general.

I wish someone would have given me this Symbaloo webmix when I first started researching EdTech programs and resources because it would have saved me alot of frustration and about 3 or 4 months of my time.  This webmix has everything that is worth finding in it.  Enjoy!!

See on edudemic.com